Magapor is proud to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious National Innovation Award 2023 in the category of “Small and Medium Innovative Company”. This recognition, granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, is a testament to our continued commitment to innovation and our significant contribution to the advancement of the swine industry.

These awards are Spain’s most important recognition in the area of innovation and design and are a tribute to the hard work and dedication of our team over the years. Since our foundation in 1990, we have been at the forefront of swine breeding technology, developing innovative solutions that improve the efficiency, sustainability as well as profitability of the industry. That is why this award recognizes our achievements in this area.

At Magapor, we are committed to continue innovating and collaborating in the transfer of knowledge within the sector, to address future challenges and contribute to the development and technification of the sector.

Thank you all for being part of our success and for your continued support.

If you want to consult the rest of the prize-winners, you can access the Ministry of Science and Innovation press release at the following link.