In 2010, high levels of reproductive failures in some Spanish pig farms raised alarms among experts, making this the starting point for a joint study between Magapor and the University of Zaragoza. Thus, they discovered toxic compounds in the plastic bags used to contain the seminal doses, so that they were proven to be toxic for reproduction as they migrate to the sperm in contact with the plastic.
These substances are: Phthalates, Bisphenol A, Badge, Cyclic Lactone and PVC
Then, their presence and/or interaction can cause decreases in the fertility and prolificacy rates (reproductive toxicity).
The conclusions were presented at a press conference in 2014 with Juan Luis Úbeda, then Technical Director of Magapor, and Cristina Nerín, professor of Analytical Chemistry at the UZ.
This discovery was published in more than 20 media (magazines, radio, television, general and specialized). The most relevant were the magazines Nature and National Geographic.
This is the link to the article published in Nature:
And to see the text that we published in International Pig Topics, follow this one:
Today RTC is a safety protocol that serves as quality control for packaging manufactured by Magapor, (Semenbag & Smallbag) with control of these reprotoxics, enabling and guaranteeing, therefore, a reliable insemination and the best result.
Differentiating features and advantages:
- RTC Control. (Reproductive Toxicity Control – Control of Phthalates, PVC, BPA, BADGE, and Cyclic Lactone).
- Self-production, raw materials produced in Europe, control of the productive process.
- Its ductility and design facilitate handling to the final user and improve the absorption of the semen dose by the sow.
- Save 40% stops for replacing rolls using Semenbag: 1250 Semenbags per roll, a total practical advantage.
- Compact packaging, easy to use and recyclable
- Complete traceability: From the raw material till the bag sent to the final customer for each batch, Magapor maintains complete product traceability and the quality controls performed.
- Die-cut (pre-cut) for manual packaging systems
Different formats to satisfy all necessities:

In following weeks, we will list the advantages of Bagmatic, our equipment for the packaging and labelling of semen doses, and will start with the storage and transport of doses.
See you soon !!!