From collection to insemination in the sow, sperm are exposed to different materials that can influence / interact with them and modify the final characteristics of the product.

In each part of the production process of swine seminal doses, the semen comes into contact with different materials such as blisters, filters, tubes… These materials can present some agents or substances that when they come into contact with the spermatozoa, have the capacity to damage and even destroy the cells.

The interactions may present effects with different degrees of severity. These effects will depend on the type of problem produced, the time of contact of the affected material with the semen or the capacity we have to detect them before reaching the farm.

Reproductive problems and even the death of spermatozoa can be some of the problems derived from the contact of semen with these toxic substances. On other occasions, there may be effects that escape biological controls and whose impact on the reproductive failure of the sow can be very high, with reduced fertility.

For this reason, at Magapor we carry out an exhaustive control of all the plastics that are in contact with the seminal doses. Soon we will detail all the analysis that we carry out to our products, in a procedure called Vital control.

Safety and confidence in these materials is essential, which is why Magapor ensures that the materials that interact with the ejaculates and the seminal doses comply our quality standards.