As we mentioned a few weeks ago, Magapor has been certified for more than 10 years in standards that support both its quality management and its R&D&I efforts.

One of these standards is ISO 9001. ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard, applicable to companies of all sectors and sizes, which describes what a Quality Management System should consist of, but does not specify how it should be developed and implemented in each particular company. The 2008 version of the ISO 9001 standard adopts a “process-based approach”, considering that for an organisation to function, it must identify and understand the interactions between all the processes within it.

This ISO standard is the most common Quality Management tool in the world, with more than 1 million certificates in force. Spain occupies the sixth position worldwide and third position in Europe in the ranking, with more than 60 thousand certified work centers. At Magapor, this certification allows us to control all processes so that we can provide exclusive and real solutions to our customers, always supported by a powerful technical service.

Complying with this quality standard demonstrates Magapor’s commitment to offer the highest quality in all the products we develop.