Innovation has been present in Magapor since our beginnings, applying technology to improve our customers’ processes.

Gesipor is one of the products resulting from our investment in innovation and the first version was launched on the market in 1993. This first version of our management software was a revolution as it helped swine insemination centers to unify information and standardise their production processes.

Innovation for swine insemination centre management

A dedicated research team is essential for innovation. At Magapor we have different teams focused on the development of these latest technology solutions, and one of them is our IT team.

This department, made up of computer engineers and software developers, is fully focused on the digital transformation of the sector. Among the projects they develop are Gesipor, the client and manager APPs that complement it and the entire technological ecosystem for managing the CIA.

The first version was developed in 1993, and since then Gesipor has evolved to become the operating brain of the Magapor Integrated System and a fundamental tool for the management of pig artificial insemination centres.

The latest version of this software is Gesipor 360, a version developed entirely by our IT team. This latest update helps to improve the day-to-day running of insemination centres, facilitating decision-making and increasing the productivity of the centres.

Our proximity to our customers allows us to actively listen to them. Thanks to this, we are able to understand their needs and adapt our products to them. Our applied experience allows us to incorporate new functionalities that help our clients with the management tasks of the insemination centres.

Discover our Boar stud management software
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