As usual, and since 2017, on the first Friday of every March Magapor organizes the Annual Technical Workshop in Poznan (Poland). This one will be the 4th edition and will be held tomorrow, 6th of March, at Hotel DeSilva.
Our colleagues Joaquin Miguel, Fernando de Mergelina and Ingunn Nygard will be travelling there to offer the following agenda:
- 08:30 am Magapor presentation
- 09:00 Is my way of working the best?
- 10:00 Efficient, faster and safer: Post cervical insemination.
- 10:45 COFFEE
- 11:15 What not to do, what to do and how to do it in a semen production lab.
- 12:15 Challenging old paradigms in reproduction.
- 13:00 LUNCH

What is more, we are more than pleased to count on the presence of the following companies of the Polish swine sector, among others:
- Choice Genetics Polska Sp. zo.o
- Besamungsunion Schwein (BuS)
- Agri Plus Sp. Zo.o.
- Goodvalley Agro S.A.
- Topigs Norsvin Polska
- Bestgen
- Insefarm Sp. Zoo.
- Wchirz Sp. Zoo Centrala W Tulcach
- Shiuz – Stacja Hodowli i Unasieniania Zwierząt Sp. z o.o.
- MCB Malopolskie Centrum Biotechiniki
- Wetrol
We all hope to beat previous attendances and also that the professionals gathered there find our technical presentations interesting and fruitful. Thanks in advance.