Why do unproductive days increase in summer?
The sow's estrous cycle occurs every 18-24 days, as the domestic sow is a [...]
The sow's estrous cycle occurs every 18-24 days, as the domestic sow is a [...]
Seasonal infertility in boars occurs in the warmer months due to increased temperatures and [...]
2024年5月15日,MAGAPOR公司总部迎来了一批重要的客人,来自中国动植物育种领域的专家团队,包括崖州湾实验室的杨维才院士和陈凡研究员,吉林农业大学的袁晓辉教授,华中农业大学的刘小磊教授和冯慧副教授,以及三亚博瑞源科技有限公司的总经理王瑞先生一行莅临我司参观指导,共同探讨生猪育种领域的创新与发展。 专家一行参观了我司的生产及研发中心,现场听取了公司的介绍,详细了解了MAGAPOR的研发方向和技术实力,对MAGAPOR研究成果在市场上的成功应用给予了高度认可。 公司总经理代表MAGAPOR对专家团队的到来表示热烈的欢迎。他表示,MAGAPOR一直在努力促进与国内外不同研究机构的合作和交流,创造协同效应,为行业的技术发展做出贡献。
On 10 May we had a very special day when the whole Magapor team [...]
Jesús Mena, General Manager of Magapor, has received this prestigious recognition from the hand [...]
The acrosome is a structure of the spermatozoa located in the anterior part of [...]